Company Profile

Representative Message

Representative Director Toshiharu Hashiguchi
Representative Director Toshiharu Hashiguchi

As a company which has an essential role to play in enrichment of people's lives and development of social infrastructure

Since the establishment of our company in 1923, as a specialized manufacturer of drainage fittings and drainage equipment for construction facilities, we have been working for the enrichment of people's lives and the development of social infrastructure by delivering Tohro brand products through pipe material wholesalers and sanitation companies.
From now on, we hope that the high quality and reliability of Toro brand products will continue to enrich people's lives in the future, and as a Create Group, we will continue to work together as a manufacturer and distributor.

In recent years, we have been developing new businesses to meet the needs of the times, which are changing rapidly as the times change.

Our products which is related to "Water", is very necessary in our daily lives. Our company is involved in the business related to "Water". For the future, as a company which has an essential role to play the enrichment of people's lives and the development of social infrastructure, we will continue to take on new challenges actively and provide innovative products and services without being bound by the boundaries of our existing business.We look forward to your continued patronage and guidance in the future